
Showing posts from January, 2011

Summer and the next stages

Ive done so much since i last wrote and this last month has been an incredible month of growth, change and questions. i got accepted into Uni which i was really surprised about and will be studying a bachelor of social Work. its exactly where i felt called to be and where i really wanna be. im excited about the ministries God is gonna open though uni and the people im gonna come in contact with. i went to CE camp over New year. it was an incredible time of personal growth and a time where God challenged me about wholeheartedly trusting God with my life first rather then trying in my own strength. i was really challenged at hte time to find out what that truely looked like and what it meant. i was also challenged with the idea of mentors. I have an amazing mentor who really just wants to help me grow, but there was so much i just didnt share i didnt open up with and wasnt honest with. Many parts of my life which i just didnt want to share in risk of being found to be stupid. God Cha...