
Showing posts from June, 2011

Adding something to every situation....

About a month ago i went to a kids leadership conference. At the conference the speaker said something about adding something to every situation. I didnt really think much about it but the last few weeks in the kids program we did a rotational program and i was following a group but didnt have any responsibility really (just looking after the group). I began to observe attitudes of the year 4,5,6, and 7 girls in my group and how in situations where maybe they werent enjoying what was going on as much as others how they responded. God spoke to me in that moment and reminded me of the conference and how it was said to add something in every situation. I was encouraged by Gods message in my life to add something positive in situtions where you might not what to add to it. But also encouraged that it was a message for my girls too and not just something while i needed to do. God wants us to show his light through situations and If we make the best of all situations by adding one thing i...

Worship with all my heart

I feel like some things are really hard to give over to God. In my mind i often believe i would personally lose something if i gave over some things to God. I know this is just a mindset and that God really would have control but i still worry. However when it comes to worship. I feel so free to worship. I'm fortunate i live in a country without religious persecution. A place where when i'm walking to the bus i can freely listen to worship songs and even sing them out and not get arrested. I love worship because i can completely worship and i have no one else to worship. I have nothing to lose by worshipping with all i have. At church recently ive noticed that a lot of people are afraid of worshipping wholeheartedly. They seem to be worried that people will judge them. Ive been questioned for how i worship and if i realise im the only one doing it and i really don't care because when im singing worship, im totally free. Worship with all you have. God deserves your all.


God has called me...God has called you... In fact God has called everyone. The special thing about it is that our calling is for us alone. I believe God called me to work with people. In a Social Worker kind of way. I dont know what he is gonig to do with my degree when i get it but i know he will use it for good. God has called me to Hope Valley my church. He has called me to the young people there. I many not know if the ministries im in is the way he has called me to these people but i know for the time being me being in these ministries are beneficial. People say i am doing to much or making my life to busy. They may be right. But what do i give up to free myslef up? The Kids ive taught for years now and have such a passion to see grow. The youth which is an area i see a real need for love and care and an area i want to devote my life too. Or do i give up my group? the group devoted to building me up? Do i belong in that group when i also have a group like that at uni im invol...