With the children...
"Well, it must be so fun and full of joy to always get to play with children for your job. Colouring in, bubbles and craft, I have the older ones- teenagers, they are starting to have the real issues, its difficult, doing what I do, it must be for easy and fun for you." This was the start of a conversation I found myself in the other week, in that moment I had a choice of responses to make, I could either; A) Smile and agree B) shut them down, argue and tell them about the 'real issues' I had faced with the children in my care in that last fortnight. C) smile and tell them how its not always that simple and easy but how its a privilege to walk alongside and listen to children in the joy of colouring in and the pain of life. I chose option C. Even though I really wanted to take option B and get all 'real issues' on them. You see it really is a privilege to walk alongside and listen to children, and sometimes it is fun and games and full of bubbles ...