Life plans take us on all different paths

What do people what to do in their life?

this is a question i've been asked many times this year and even this year its changed so much. there ar eso many things i could do and so many opportunities avaliable.

noone wants to go through life unnoticed. i know that i want to make a difference and impact someone elses life. at easter camp in 2008 God spoke to me and told me that i would do amazing things in my life and impact others but to do that i first had to think about me and grow in my faith and think about me.

one of the most important in that is not just about making a difference, it's about growing in faith and my understanding of God.

to be able to grow as christian we need to be honest about where we stand with God. we need to be honest to each other as well as to God about where we stand. its okay to have worries and questions and doubts but God wants us to bring them to him.

ive been challenged to openly and honestly say who i am and where i'm struggling, although this is heaps hard, when i have been honest with friends its been rewarding and i've found myself about to be free.

This is who I am:

- I am first and foremost a child of a loving and forgiving God.

- I am someone who gets challenged regularly about why I'm christian and what my faith means to me.

- I am someone who doesn't read the bible or pray as much as i want to.

- I am a leader at church, school and among my friends and each day when i lead, i find myself nervous about if i'm doing it right.

- I admit to not knowing everything

- I am someone who will try adn get back up and try again every time i fail.

- I am someone who struggles with school, life, love and friends but through everything know that i have a loving God to help me back onto the path when i get lost among everything.

So who are you truely???


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