healing power overwhelms

God is so good!!!

New years eve on CE camp we have this service called a watchnight. We sing worship to God and there is an opportunity for open mic to shareabout what God has done in your life over the past year. just before midnight there is an opportunity for those who want to give their lives to God.

I want to share two stories from that night.
Firstly there wasa young girl about 15 there who had fallen over during our camp softball match the night before cut her leg quite bad and twisted and bruised her ankle. She was unable to walk around camp and had been carried by some of the guys for over a day. She got up and shared her story and the guy hosting asked to pray for her leg. She was carried back up to her seat after that. just after midnight we were all dancing and worshipping and during a song she gets carried down and placed in the middle of the stage. she stands up and jumps. her ankle supports her weight. the camp nurse came running and unstrapped it. no brusing or swelling!!!! She jumped and cartwheeled and praised for the rest of the night.
God truely did heal her and it changed that hearts of so many people seeing that God was powerful and did over come all things.

the second story happened to me. I have a bit of a dodgey knee, and on this camp it was really taking a beating, there were steps everywhere and my knee hates steps. anyway, i was struggling to walk and bend my knee and i was to be honest quite hating life and not enjoying my time on camp because of it. i wanted to go home. the morning of new years eve i was so misrable i decided something had to happen otherwise i wasnt going to enjoy new years eve. i asked some people to pray for healing on my knee. during the day it didnt really change, neither did my attitude towards the situation. As i entered the Watchngiht service that night i felt the pain of my knee ease. i could still hear it click as i bent it but it wasnt painful. i could go up and down the stair and jump and it was awesome. I was able to enjoy the night without pain :) God was so good to me, it meant so much to me that he would fix the pain then, it hurt the next morning but i had hope, hope that if i prayed God could do amazing things and it taught me that God is in all situations but not always in the way you want him to me, but he has a plan :)

God is so good!


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