Young leaders development...

So I'm a  youth pastor right, it's something that sometimes I say out loud and it still blows my mind. It's something I always wanted to be and I am that now. 

I don't know if I'm doing a good job, i thonk I'm doing alright, I might not be as cool or successful as some of my other youth pastor friends but I feel like I'm doing alright. 

Last week I went to NYMC Encore which was a day conference for those in youth ministry. 
It was a great day and totally worth  coming back the 400kms  to adelaide for the day, I got to see my friends, my family, my support network. But I heard from God too. Both on a personal level and also for my ministry. 

One question I am left with after the conference is about young leaders.   Now I would consider myself a young leader. At 21 , I am young, I have been blessed with many leadership opportunities well beyond my years, but in still a young leader . I'm still leading about who I am and my style of leadership. I'm trying hard to intentionally  learn more so I can be a better leader but it's a slow journey and where I am now in my leadership is not whee I hope to finish my leadership life. 

So how do I train and develop leaders more than double my age? How do I direct them in how I want them to lead in the youth ministry? Especially when they are old enough to be my parents or grandparents?  How do I correct their approach to youth ministry where needed? 

How do I develop young adult leaders when they are my peers?  I  don't feel like I can speak from a place of authority since I am their peers and they will think I'm a jerk if I try and teach them?! I can speak from a place of personal experience and share with them but can I be directive?

I don't want to dictate to my potential leaders but I want to develop a standard of leadership and help those wishing to lead in youth ministry to be onboard with this leadership that is needed in the youth ministry?. 

How do I go about it?

Comments would be really appreciated ?! 


  1. Great questions Nicole. Shameless plug: Come to Youth Leadership Week as an on-camp mentor! You'll have some of the best state youth people there to coach you in this stuff while you coach emerging high school aged leaders you've nominated from your church - EASY :D

  2. You explain things like they are easy to understand. Your encourageing people of all ages and sizes about god... i love your ways.. goodluck


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