Expectancy on Mondays.

Every Monday I'm asked a couple of questions. Every Monday I spend a while pondering and trying to justify myself. Every Monday I feel myself testing out how genuine I am. 

You see I'm in a group for country leaders who are connected with Christian Endeavour camps in SA.  This group is here to support encourage and resource country people. 

Every Monday I'm asked;
1. Where have I seen God at work this last week?
2. What can the CE community pray for in my region/life?

They aren't complicated questions, and in general I'm really thankful that there are people asking regularly because i am reminded to reflect and be observant of what's happening in and around me. 

The thing I struggle with in these questions on a Monday is that I want to give an ideal and make it sound like things are amazing. But sometimes I can't see God at work. Sometimes I can't hear God and sometimes I just don't know what in the region or my town is expressing God that much. 
Monday's I often find myself disappointed and faced with another week of challenges and uncertain as I try to look forward and plan. I also struggle with the tension of personal faith questions/challenges and ministry moments. What do I share, what do I keep personal.

Does that mean Gods not at work though? Does that mean I don't need prayer that week? No. It usually just means I can't identify right now what that week looks like. And what the last week has looked like in connection with my faith. 

I've been doing The Sequel a 3 month bible engagement program with young people, one of the things which has stood out to me and had me pondering as I reflect on my own life is about how the people were so expectant of God to be at work in their lives. They expected to see miracles, to have their needs provided for, and they are expectant of the promises of God go come through. But I don't think I am expectant of the same today. I am reflecting on the fact that in a week I think maybe God hasn't been at work but in the biblical days, God was so present and working. What has changed? Has it changed? How can we be more expectant of God to work? 


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