My God the Healer...

today i went to Preaching school, it was awesome... i learnt so much about how to preach and felt a calling on my life to preach Gods word.

Half way through the day i had a major headache and was struggling to concentrate...i went up to the speaker Neil at the end of one of the sessions and asked if there was any panadol i could take...he asked if he could pry for my headache first...after the prayer my headache went away...i thought that was so cool...
i was talknig to Neil about Gods healing power and he said Gods only as powerful as you let him first thought was but Gods Gods...hes either there or not there...btu waht Neil was really saying was if we actually believe that God can heal and God can do crazy miricles he will.

God also spoke a word on my life at the end of the day...i was questioning God on if i was truely called to preach of if it was my pride and maybe others wishes that were my motives....GOd said

Nicole, you are a preacher through actions and words...i want you to continue to live like that...But dont let fear hold you back...speak confidently ad u will be heard...and pray to me often, trust me with ur concerns...

WOW our God is an awesome God!!!


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