Transitional Ministry

The last few weeks at youth group I've started to transition year 6's from the local primary school I work at into youth group.

These last few weeks I've noticed something. I seem to be thinking differently to most people in the room at youth group. 

I love 10-14year olds. And I love having them at youth group. They are probably some of my favourite people.

 It's fascinating really, 
year 6s tend to think they are the most important person in the room, they aren't aware that things have been operating before them and will in the future.
Other youth hate them, they label them twelvies and are annoyed by their bouncy, loud and energetic attitudes.
Other adults get tired by them, they seem to want to have a conversation with them and this of course doesn't happen in a mature way.
Me? Why do I love them so much? 
I love them because their energy can be turned into evangelism, their loudness can be turned into leadership and their bouncing can be turned into action. And they remind me of a childlike faith and fun.  

 What I've noticed the last few weeks is how much joy young people in the junior youth category bring me. I love their enthusiasm, sure it's certainly more tiring, but it gives me a hope and a purpose for the future of youth ministry. It brings me joy to think that if these young people feel connected and apart of the group now, in the future they will bring friends and they will eventually make faith commitments because they belong and have seen Jesus expressed in this community.  

 I want to see people coming up and into youth group for many futures to come, I don't wanna just see the youth I have now grow up into awesome adults with solid faiths.  The challenge in this tension, is how do i make awesome adults with solid faiths as well as nuture and encourage loud, bouncying and enthusiastic youngsters?

I don't really know the answer that that, but I know that now is a great time for me to make the values and vision of my youth group clear for those coming into the group as well as those already part of the community.  


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