Easter Camp forever

Over easter every year our church runs a youth camp at one of the most beautiful places in Australia, Ankara Campsite in Walker Flat on the River Murray. This year i lead and did a bunch of organising for the camp. I really enjoy organising camps and big events, i feel like its something im good at, thinking of a whole lot of things which people often think of, this might be because i love camps, ive been on so many like seriously, in 2011 i went on over 15 camps. One feeling that is always thought during camp is that at teh end of camp people dont want to go home, they like the sense of community and the way in which they can get into habit of worship, prayerand be with an awesome group of people. Last night the Easter Camp gathered for dinner as a thanks and reflection of what happened on camp, again i was reminded about this sense that people wished they were back at camp. I too reflected on how great camp was and how much i loved being there but i also reflected on the fact that camp did indeed come back from Ankara with us. thhis is eviedent in the lives that were changed. a few examples are: One of our young youth girls went to camp but there wasnt really any other girls her age at camp, she connected in with some of the other youth girls and since camp has been comfortable attending church and events even if there isnt girls her age, this is differnt to before camp when she wouldnt stay at teh event if she didnt know people. Another example is an older Guy one i would consider a brother, came to camp reluctantly - possibly even only because i pressured him to come to support and seem interested in the same things his girlfriend was. He was challenged by the talks and has actually been attending church because he wants to not because he feels he has too. our band for many days on camp was a bunch of youth that are just learning instruments, it was in no way an A quality worship band but i feel it was the best worship we had on camp ever. a bunch of youth giving it a go for God, such a good sight. Some came home from camp now asking when they can play at church and at youth. A girl who has just finished highschool came on camp, she was looking at getting more involved in church and wanted to find out when God wanted her to serve. At camp she connected in with a few of our youth kids and felt God call her. We now welcome her as our newest member to the youth leadership team. And my final example is of another girl who is in first year uni, She has been a regular on camp for many years and camp was another great camp where God spoke to her. On discussion with her on return from camp i asked what she got up to that week. Her reply was, well i got thinking about the talk on forgiveness and i realised i needed to sort some stuff out in my life. so this week ive been making a few phone calls and forgiving a few people. its not the way i wanted those situations to unfold but man to i feel at peace now with God and those people. What a great God we have that has done all these things and many more in my church community. i fell honoured that i got the privellege to serve on this camp and lead such a great bunch of youth. Easter camp isnt just something that happens over easter and the experiences dont just stay at Ankara, Easter camp came home with us, through worship, through forgiveness, through relationships with others and renewed relationships with God and through the passion to serve. the Legacy of Easter camp continues.


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